Searching Databases


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Searching Databases

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Black, Balneaves, Garossino, Puyat & Qian, 2015) allege that evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to quality of care, safety, and improved patient outcomes. EBP promotes change by standardizing practices that are important in nursing practice, particularly in improving patient outcomes. For this discussion, the PICOT question will be: Can adult patients at risk for heart disease (P) use written educational material on cardiovascular disease (CVD) (I) in comparison to the standard practice of verbal education (C) to increase patients’ knowledge of CVD (O) in 12 weeks (T).

Searching Databases

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For the Picot question, various databases were searched, including PMC, Science Direct; Walden library; Wiley Online; ERIC, and Elsevier. The search terms include; chronic heart disease, knowledge and heart disease; risk factors of heart disease; and education effects. In the initial search, a total of 215 articles were generated. However, the search strategy was refined using the Boolean operator AND. This was important in getting updated and peer-reviewed articles that emphasized the rates and awareness of chronic heart failure. As a result, the search strategy was refined to focus on terms such as knowledge separated by AND, written material, video, and handout. The key terms and phrases were searched in the abstracts, titles, and keywords of peer-reviewed English journals published between 2014 and 2019. Therefore, with the Boolean operator, a total of 8 were obtained.

Searching Databases


To increase the rigor and effectiveness of the search strategy, I would break down the clinical query into PICO elements and corresponding search terms. In addition, I would then integrate search terms into a range of search strategies based on an individual resource. According to McGowan, Sampson, Salzwedel, Cogo, Foerster, and Lefebvre (2016), one or two search terms for the populace or clinical issue, intervention, or exposure will avail appropriate information. For instance, since my interest was in heart disease and CVD, I would use either of the terms to generate results. Nonetheless, for large primary studies repositories such as PubMed, a specific and structured search would be appropriate (Abbade, Wang, Sriganesh, Jin, Mbuagbaw & Thabane 2017).



Abbade, L. P., Wang, M., Sriganesh, K., Jin, Y., Mbuagbaw, L., & Thabane, L. (2017). The          framing of research questions using the PICOT format in randomized controlled trials of           venous ulcer disease is suboptimal: A systematic survey. Wound Repair and            Regeneration, 25(5), 892-900.

Black, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting             evidence based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians.      The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14.         doi:  10.1097/NNA.0000000000000151

McGowan, J., Sampson, M., Salzwedel, D. M., Cogo, E., Foerster, V., & Lefebvre, C. (2016).      PRESS peer review of electronic search strategies: 2015 guideline statement. Journal of             clinical epidemiology, 75, 40-46.

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