Professional Practice Paper Guidelines and Rubric


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Professional Practice Paper Guidelines and Rubric

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 In this “Professional Practice Paper”, students will work independently to engage in reflexive practice by completing the following sections:


  1. Students will thoroughly identify 2 oppressions as well as 2 privileges they hold that could potentially influence the effectiveness of the work implemented with Black, Indigenous, AND racialized families (200- to 250-words per oppression and privilege, for a minimum of 800-words to a maximum of 1000-words). Integrating academic references to support each oppression and privilege is required.


  1. Students will then thoroughly identify 3 strategies on how they will personally address any unconscious biases they have that could negatively impact the quality of work with Black, Indigenous, AND racialized families. Along with each strategy, students must refer to 2 different Characteristics of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice to emphasize their argument. Students must ensure each strategy is specific and detailed, and relevant to one’s own practice (200- to 250-words per strategy, for a minimum of 600-words to a maximum of 750-words). Integrating academic references to support each strategy is required.


This “Professional Practice Paper” must adhere to APA 7th Ed referencing guidelines, which includes how to format the title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc. The integration of course material, as well as additional academic references in the paper is a requirement in both sections. Keep in mind that this is a professional, university-level (4th year) course and student writing should reflect this standard. Therefore, sentence structure, spelling, grammar, conventions of writing (use of paragraphs, indentation, etc.) should all be thoroughly reviewed by the student before submission.

Professional Practice Paper Guidelines and Rubric

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Grading Rubric (Total 30 Marks)


  Poor Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent



(Total 4 Marks)


No description of what will be conducted in the introduction.


Limited description of the introduction about what will be done.


Some description of the introduction about what will be done.


Good description of the introduction about what will be done.


Offers a thorough and concise introduction about what will be done.



Identification of Oppressions


(Total 6 Marks =

3 Marks per Oppression)


Identification of 1st oppression is not or very poorly discussed with no arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd oppression is not or very poorly discussed with no arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st oppression is poorly discussed with inadequate arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd oppression is poorly discussed with inadequate arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st oppression is satisfactorily examined with arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd oppression is satisfactorily examined with arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st oppression is adequately explored with relevant arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd oppression is adequately explored with relevant arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st oppression is authentically synthesized with strong arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd oppression is authentically synthesized with strong arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of Privileges


(Total 6 Marks =

3 Marks per Privilege)


Identification of 1st privilege is not or very poorly discussed with no arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd privilege is not or very poorly discussed with no arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st privilege is poorly discussed with inadequate arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd privilege is poorly discussed with inadequate arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st privilege is satisfactorily examined with arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd privilege is satisfactorily examined with arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st privilege is adequately explored with relevant arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd privilege is adequately explored with relevant arguments supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st privilege is authentically synthesized with strong arguments supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd privilege is authentically synthesized with strong arguments supported by academic references.



Strategies and Connection to

Characteristics of Relational CYC Practice


(Total 9 Marks =

3 Marks per Strategy)


Identification of 1st strategy is not or very poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and not supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd strategy is not or very poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and not supported by academic references.


Identification of 3rd strategy is not or very poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and not supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st strategy is poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd strategy is poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 3rd strategy is poorly discussed, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.




Identification of 1st strategy is satisfactorily examined, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd strategy is satisfactorily examined, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 3rd strategy is satisfactorily examined, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st strategy is adequately explored, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd strategy is adequately explored, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 3rd strategy is adequately explored, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.



Identification of 1st strategy is authentically argued, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 2nd strategy is authentically argued, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.


Identification of 3rd strategy is authentically argued, along with 2 characteristics of relational CYC practice and supported by academic references.




(Total 5 Marks)


No analysis of what was learned after completing this Professional Practice Paper.


Offers a limited analysis of what was learned after completing this Professional Practice Paper.


Offers some analysis of what was learned after completing this Professional Practice Paper.



Offers a good analysis of what was learned after completing this Professional Practice Paper.


Offers a thorough and concise analysis of what was learned after completing this Professional Practice Paper.






Writing Style


(Less up to 25% for Errors)


Writing style is poor and has many issues in clarity.


Writing structure is extremely disorganized and very ineffective and there are significant grammatical or syntactical errors.


Writing style has issues in clarity.


Writing structure is disorganized and ineffective and there are many grammatical or syntactical errors.


Writing style is satisfactory and vague.


Writing structure is somewhat organized and somewhat effective and there are grammatical or syntactical errors.


Writing style is clear and articulate.


Writing structure is organized and effective and there are few grammatical or syntactical errors.



Writing style is sophisticated and articulate.


Writing structure is very well organized and highly effective and there are no grammatical or syntactical errors.



APA Style Formatting


(Less up to 100% for Academic Misconduct)



APA 7th edition style is used with many inaccuracies in formatting title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc.



APA 7th edition style is used with a somewhat degree of accuracy in formatting title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc.



APA 7th edition style is used with some degree of accuracy in formatting title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc.



APA 7th edition style is used with a degree of accuracy in formatting title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc.



APA 7th edition style is used with a high degree of accuracy in formatting title page, page numbers, spacing, headings/sub-headings, reference page, etc.



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