Civic Engagement


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NS6101 Civic Engagement Summative Assignment Guidelines

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These Guidelines will provide the learner with the expectations of this Module’s Assessment.

Summative assignment: There is one summative assessment for this module. The assessment must be passed with a threshold of 40%.

Assessment Type: Written Blogs: (2,000 words +/- 10%)

Required Format and file type: Electronic Microsoft Word Document

Weighting: 100%

Your Blogs should:

  • Critically appraise the role of civic engagement and the theories and principles behind it.
  • You will engage in 4 weeks volunteering experience
Topic Students need to write 4 blogs about their civic engagement experience
Assignment Guidelines

(150 words)

  • Explain aim of this assignment e.g. blog writing and the charity they are volunteering etc.
  • Briefly mention what you will cover in each blog


Blog 1

(425 words)

Critically appraise the role of civic engagement in service design and delivery and reflect on the process of personal engagement.

  • Provide profile of your area/ charity you volunteered for. Rationale for choosing this charity
  • Define the term ‘civic engagement’.
  • Critically appraise role of civic engagement within nursing practice
  • Create an argument for the civic engagement activity using statistics related to this charity (local/national/ international)
  • What target population use this charity


Blog 2

(425 words)

Critically examine the principles for engaging people and communities within the context of health and wellbeing and how success can be measured and evaluated.

  • Critically examine the principles of the civic engagement and the relevant communities in terms of holistic health needs of the client group and how this can be measured.
  • Personal experience during the volunteering experience and relate it with health-related outcomes for service users
  • Understanding of your role and your contribution in the organization.
  • Your personal motivation and what theories underpin your motivation, impact of this activity on social/health capital etc.
  • Your personal and professional development through this volunteering activity.
Blog 3

(425 words)

Demonstrate confidence to interact as a professional nurse with individuals and groups in the community, in relation to health promotion and public health.

  • Provide detailed discussion how you interacted with the client group/ service users/ other roles in charity, MDT as a student nurse with reference to your role as a health promoter.
  • Reflect on this charity’s impact on the service users
  • Pick at least 1 heath related issue and discuss in detail. This should be relevant to your volunteering activity
  • Identify different other key roles and their motivation factor to be part of this charity
Blog 4

(425 words)

Reflect on their role and the importance of integrated health and social care.

  • Provide detailed reflection on your learning and role of the how significant the role of integrated health and social care to promoting teamwork and seamless care delivery.
  • Critique health implications which link to your chosen charity work
  • Role of civic engagement in relation to developing other soft skills which are transferrable to clinical settings
  • Critique real life community challenges in life which makes the service users come to this charity and pick 1 aspect of these challenges and discuss in detail. (reflection)

(150 words)



  • Summarise your experience
  • What transferrable skills you gained that can be taken to clinical practice


Total word count: 2000

(no word count)


Use Harvard reference throughout your work including in-text references. See link for support:


Example: O’Sullivan, O.P., Chang, N.H., Baker, P. and Shah, A., 2020. Quality improvement at East London NHS Foundation Trust: the pathway to embedding lasting change. International Journal of Health Governance.

Due date/time: 07/11/24 (Wednesday) before 16.00 via Turnitin

NS6101 Civic Engagement Summative Assignment Guidelines

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Submission of Your Assignment

All the coursework should be submitted following UEL regulations and on the appointed date for individual courses. Please refer to the Module Guide for further details. Any queries about the process of facilitation should be addressed to your module leader.

How to prepare, save and submit your final submission

  • When reviewing and drafting your work multiple times, please ensure there is a flow in your written discussions. Proofread your work to eliminate any spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
  • It is expected that students will use a fluent writing style demonstrating clarity of thought with accurate grammar and spelling.
  • Students are also expected to adhere to the conventions of academic writing including the use of the Harvard Referencing Guide; see UEL’s policy on using “Cite Them Right”.
  • Avoid the use of colloquial language. Remember this is an academic piece of work.
  • Keep your writing to font size 12 and in Arial font, with 1.5 line spacing, using Microsoft Word. The footer of the document must contain the page number and the title of your report.
  • Your word count for this report is 2000 +/- 10% flexibility. Avoid the use of quotations.
  • A high standard of presentation is expected throughout this assessment including accurate referencing, grammar and spelling.
  • Work must be proofread for grammar, spelling and formatting mistakes before handing in.
  • You should follow all additional given guidelines and marking criteria.

You should check your assignment via Turnitin before handing it in; be sure that you leave ample time to make any necessary changes and note that Turnitin can take up to 24 hours to provide an ‘Originality Report’.

NS6101 Civic Engagement Summative Assignment Guidelines

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