Financial condition of healthcare organization


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Financial condition of healthcare organization

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· Create proposals that incorporate missions, visions, and values and align to strategic plans
Your capital budget proposal presentation should use 12–20 PowerPoint slides (or similar presentation software) to answer the following prompt and it should
include an accompanying projected departmental budget: Select one of the following two organizations and accompanying financial information to create a
reasonable capital budget proposal that addresses the needs of the organization while aligning to the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Note that while
you will submit a single proposal, your proposal might include multiple items. For example, you might propose that the organization acquire a new piece of
equipment. Implementation of that item (the equipment) might require additional items such as software, spare parts, etc.
In order to utilize real-world financial statements, you must choose one of the following organizations to provide the context, background information and
organizational information for your proposal:
Organization #1: Venice Family Clinic
● 2018 Annual Report (most current Annual Report available)
● Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2018
Organization #2: Joslin Diabetes Center

Financial condition of healthcare organization

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● Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplemental Information – 2013 and 2012 (most current Consolidated Financial Statement available)
● Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplemental Information – 2012 and 2011
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed; however, the following order is not necessarily the order in which you will present:
I. Introduction
A. Financial Condition: Describe the overall financial condition of the organization based on financial statements and explain your reasoning.
B. Healthcare Trends: Describe what current healthcare trends influenced your proposal. Could any of these trends impact the organization financially?
C. Proposal Items: List your proposal items and indicate how each one is linked to the organizational mission, vision, and values. You might need to
infer the vision or values based on the information provided in the organization’s annual reports, website, etc.
D. Organizational Strategic Goals: How will your proposal further the strategic goals of your department and/or organization as a whole? You
might need to infer the strategic goals based on the information provided in the organization’s annual reports, website, etc.
II. Proposal
A. Options: What options are available for each item in your budget proposal? You will want to have various options ready that will meet your
needs because one option may not be approved by your supervisor or board, but another option may better fit their needs.
B. Financial Research: Describe the cost-benefit of each option based on relevant information and research. Information and research can include
research on the items or vendors, organizational numbers, price quotes, and more. Be sure to provide relevant documentation in an appendix or
reference slide (e.g., sources for the cost of the items in your proposal, company resources, and financial calculations) to show the depth of your
research and the various options available.

Financial condition of healthcare organization

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C. Organizational Resources: Identify what resources would be needed to implement one of the options in your proposal (e.g., support from information technology, accounting, janitorial, volunteers).
D. Communication: What method of communication would be used to notify departments across the organization and what methods would be used throughout proposal implementation? Justify the appropriateness of your suggestions.
III. Budget
A. Statements: What statements were utilized for formulating your proposal? Why? Select the appropriate statements for analysis and defend
your choices.
B. Expenses: What major expenses are associated with your proposal items and what budgetary accounts are impacted?
C. Reasoning: Based on the previous year’s budget data, why did you select these budget items for adjustment over other options?
D. Ratios: Research the various ratio options (including ROI) used for reviewing financial statements. Determine what ratios you will use for your
proposal items and explain why.
E. Ratio Calculations: Using budget statements, formulate calculations that support each recommendation.
F. Projected Departmental Budget: Create a projected departmental budget for the upcoming year that incorporates the costs of the proposed
IV. Impacts and Justification
A. Short-Term Impact: What short-term impact will this request have on the overall financial statements used for decision making and on financial
B. Long-Term Impact: What long-term impact will this request have on the overall financial statements used for decision making and on financial
C. Cost-Benefit: What is the percentage increase in financial need? How does this balance with the potential value added by your requests? What
is the cost-benefit of these requests?

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D. Strategic Planning: Provide an explanation for each budget request in your proposal, taking into consideration strategic plans. How do your
budget requests show strategic planning and forethought?
E. Conflicts: Describe the strategic impact and any potential ways in which your recommendations might conflict with the overall strategic vision.
Milestone One: Major Trends
In Module Two, you will submit a short paper analyzing the potential impact of healthcare trends on the finances and mission of healthcare organizations. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Departmental Budget and Presentation Outline
In Module Five, you will create a budget for a healthcare department and outline your capital proposal presentation. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Implementation Options and Cost-Benefit
In Module Six, you will submit a short paper describing options for implementing your capital budget item(s), their cost-benefit, and their anticipated impact on
key healthcare operating indicators. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Capital Budget Proposal
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric (below).

Financial condition of healthcare organization

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