Literature Review


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Comprehensive proposal for a literature review to inform decision-making

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CW1. Produce a comprehensive proposal for a literature review to inform decision-making in relation to a nursing activity or intervention (1,500 word). Learning outcomes 1-3

The student will produce a 1,500 word (+/- 10%) proposal for undertaking their Year 3 literature review, addressing a research question on a topic aligned and pertinent to their chosen field of nursing.

This proposal should provide a succinct clearly written account of the proposed literature review. Your assignment should include:

  • Describe what you plan to do for the Literature Review
    • [The Literature Review is for the next Module, this is just a proposal for it].
  • Justify why your Literature Review is relevant to your field of nursing.
  • Indicate how you plan to carry out a strategic search (for the next Module), using a focused question, keywords and databases.

Note on the table overleaf:


The table overleaf can be used to help you structure and write-up your assignment. It is not just getting a focused question, but all the other elements linked to Module Learning Objectives, which you will meet if following the structure as indicated overleaf.

Please note: the word counts, overleaf, are suggestions only.


Comprehensive proposal for a literature review to inform decision-making

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Guide to completing your assignment.

 Introduction You should clarify the intentions of your proposal  and (briefly) argue the importance of EBP


Approx. 100 words.


Show you understand what is required.
 Question Formation and Aims of the review


Using PICO, SPICE, SPICE or ProPheT, identify your specific research question and the aims of your literature review


Approx. 200 words


Show a clear and specific research question and aims been identified.

Add the chosen question here.

 Justification for the question You should rationalise the value of your enquiry to nursing practice. Why does this topic need investigating?

Sell it to us.


Approx. 350/400 words


Have you highlighted the potential benefits of the proposed review?


Have you placed emphasis been on what is new or fascinating/original about the review?

 Ethics You must (very briefly) consider the need for ethical approval


Approx. 100 words


Have you made explicit consideration to the ethical research process?
 Proposed search strategy and critique

Criteria for Selection

You need to justify your proposed search strategy.


Approx. 350/400 words


Is the search strategy coherent, justified and well planned? Consider keywords, database searching, limiters etc.
Limitations and strengths You should analyse any strengths and limitations in relation to your proposal/potential articles


Approx. 300 words


Have you acknowledged the limitations of your proposal/planned literature review?
Conclusion Summary of main points


Approx. 100 words.


Have you provided a summary of your assignment, in conclusion form?

Comprehensive proposal for a literature review to inform decision-making

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