Caring for the Person with Complex Needs
Caring for the Person with Complex Needs
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Module code: MNAHT3CPN
Module aims: The aim of this module is to enable the students to utilise decision making theory when planning and delivering care to people with complex conditions in a variety of health care settings, with a focus on the pathophysiology and pharmacology, psychology, and social aspects of the disease process.
Module learning outcomes: By the end of this module students should be able to:
L.O.1 Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate pathophysiology and pharmacology to facilitate person centred decision making and concordance.
L.O.2 Explore and evaluate the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care interventions for the person and their family with complex healthcare needs.
L.O.3 Apply theory to evaluate and support the decision-making processes for the complex patient.
Overview of learning and teaching activities on the module:
This module employs a problem-based learning (PBL) methodology to consider the complexity of health care. PBL centres on the discussion and learning that arises from a clinically based problem. It encourages independent learning and provides students with an opportunity to tackle puzzling situations and define their own gaps in understanding in the context of relevant clinical problems, making it more likely that they will be able to recall the material later in the clinical setting.
This way of learning encourages a deeper understanding of the material. The small group setting used in PBL incites an inquisitive and detailed look at all issues, concepts and principles contained within the problem. The time spent outside of the group setting facilitates the development of skills such as literature retrieval, critical appraisal, and the seeking of opinions of peers and specialists.
Caring for the Person with Complex Needs
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With the use of realistic enigmas, which seed a wide range of explicit and implicit issues, students will be facilitated to consider the holistic care needs of a person with complex health issues and the appropriate nursing interventions required. Students will be required to work both independently and in groups to identify, investigate, plan and present care.
Core theoretical content will be delivered using short lectures. A VLE will be used to support the module both as a repository for core material (for example narrated PowerPoint presentations) and as a conduit for students to work in their groups, for example through the creation of group discussion boards. Students will be required to access online learning resources, such as e-library and e-books, throughout the module.
The students will be able to present the first enigma as a formative assessment opportunity. Constructive feedback will be provided to help with their development for the two summative assessments
Equipment you need to bring to class: Writing materials and digital device for core lectures which may require digital interaction.
Indicative schedule of delivery: Weekly core lectures will inform and support knowledge for students developing their presentations, weekly tutorials with your module tutor will support each group in developing their presentations.
It is important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in exceptional cases you may be unable to submit your work on time or do well in your exams due to unexpected events which are short-term in nature and beyond your control. Find out more about what to do in situations such as these here.
A coursework extension or a chance to re-take your exam is not an automatic right; and to ensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and – where relevant – include appropriate professional evidence.
Assessment brief:
- The learning outcomes will be assessed through small group presentations in response to enigmas which will be marked by the group’s facilitator (lecturer) as first marker and moderated by a member of the module team.
- Each student will receive the group mark and are required to sign a declaration stating they have contributed to the group presentation at each assessment point.
Caring for the Person with Complex Needs
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- The overall module mark will be an aggregate of the 2 summative presentations.
- Students who do not contribute to the presentation will be awarded a 0% mark and be directed towards the Extenuating Circumstances (EC) process where appropriate. (4000-word equivalent,) (100% of module, 100% of grade)
Reassessment information:
Some students may not pass an assessment first time and will be invited to take reassessment for the module, following a decision from a Board of Examiners. Do check the Your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes and seek advice from your Personal Academic Tutor if this is the case for you. Your module team will offer support in preparation for your reassessment.
In this case, the nature of the reassessment will be:
This handbook should be read in conjunction with other sources:
- Student Course Handbook: for course academic information applying to all modules
- Current Student Webpages: for generic student experience information
Learning Materials/Resources:
Essential Resources:
- Essential Resources: Blackboard – in the Learning Resources area
- Recordings of online sessions: in the Collaborate area on Blackboard.
Learning Materials:
Current students link –
Study support –
Learning skills hub –
Disability and mental health –
Academic English Language Support – (The aim to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in your academic and professional careers by providing support and guidance that helps you overcome language barriers.)
Session materials and supporting information is available on Blackboard and through “Skills 4”
Recommended Resources:
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence:
- World Health Organization:
- Huether, S.E., McCance, K.L. and Brashers, V.L. (eds.) (2020) Understanding Pathophysiology. 7th edn. St Louis: Elsevier.
- Larsen, P. (ed.) (2016) Lubkin’s chronic illness: impact and intervention. 9th edn.
- Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
- Standing, M. (2023) Clinical judgement and decision making in nursing. 5th edn. London: Learning Matters.
- Wherry, S. and Buck, N. (2023) Complex care in nursing. London: Learning Matters.
- Woodruff, D. (ed.) (2021) Critical care nursing made incredibly easy! 5th edn. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
- Accident & Emergency Nursing
- Evidence Based Nursing
- Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
- International Journal of Palliative Nursing
- Journal of Advanced Nursing
- Journal of Emergency Nursing
- Journal of Rehabilitation
- Nursing in Critical Care